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What was it Blessed
Orig Key: G | New Key:

Title: What was it Blessed God

G            C       G
What was it, blessed God,
G   C      G    C    G
Led Thee to give Thy Son,
G        C            D
To yield Thy well-beloved
    Em    D       G
For us by sin undone?


<<< REFRAIN >>>
G                     C
T'was love unbounded led Thee thus
   D                Em
To give Thy well-beloved for us.
   C              D          G
To give Thy well-beloved for us.

G             C      G
What led Thy Son, O God,
G  C          G      C   G
To leave Thy throne on high,
G       C            D
To shed His precious blood,
   Em     D      G
To suffer and to die?


<<< REFRAIN >>>
G                     C
Twas love unbounded love to us
    D              Em
Led Him to die and suffer thus.
    C              D      G
Led Him to die and suffer thus.

G              C     G
What moved Thee to impart
G    C      G    C   G
Thy Spirit from above,
G         C           D
Therewith to fill our heart
     Em      D         G
With heavenly peace and love?


<<< REFRAIN >>>
G                     C
Twas love unbounded love to us
      D                Em
Moved Thee to give Thy Spirit thus.
      C                D      G
Moved Thee to give Thy Spirit thus.

G            C      G
What love to Thee we owe,
G   C        G   C     G
Our God, for all Your grace!
G          C             D
Our hearts may well over flow
    Em     D    G
In everlasting praise!


<<< REFRAIN >>>
G                   C
We join, O Lord, to praise Thee thus
     D             Em
For all Thy boundless love to us!
     C                 D       G
For all Thy boundless love to us!
G                   C
We join, O Lord, to praise You thus
     D             Em
For all Thy boundless love to us!
     C                 D       G
For all Thy boundless love to us!

Key: G